Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I really suck at titles...


My name is Eloise, and this is my first post...I live in Canada and am a girl in grade 11, with regular boring girl problems. Nothing overly interesting to say right now just testing this out. You should know I'm a nerd, but also an athlete. Not a nerd necessarily in the academic sense (although I do get decent grades) but a nerd in that I watch nerdy movies, spend a lot of time on youtube and still log onto neopets sometime to play the games :) I run track a lot, and when I say a lot I mean TONS. So I'm a nerdy jock, which even I agree is a slightly odd combo. So here I am, trying to make an indent, however small, on the internet. Stick around for some rants and such, I'll be back. And I'll probably be talking a bit about track and school and youtube. Au revoir signorita!


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